According to a new study, humans love dogs more than they do humans. Researchers from the University of Colorado and Northeastern University measured the level of oxytocin in the urine of 256 students and found that when people looked at puppies, their oxytocin levels increased. These findings confirm that dog owners have a higher empathetic capacity. The results are intriguing and suggest that dogs are indeed the most loyal creatures in the world. You can find out the best green crack seeds for sale.
Another study found that people are more empathetic to adult dogs than to babies. The study concluded that baby humans had a higher degree of sympathy than did adults. This finding is not surprising as many dog owners treat their dogs like children and even prefer them to family members. The findings show how deeply humans love dogs and how much they make their owners feel bonded to them. Therefore, if you are considering adopting a puppy or a six-year-old dog, you might want to consider the following points before you make your final decision.
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In Conclusion
One of the biggest reasons why people love dogs is their loyalty. The animal is loyal and can forgive without holding grudges. In addition, people who have pets are also patient and affectionate, making them a great choice for companionship. A relationship with a pet can last a lifetime. It’s an important part of a human’s life. This bond helps us cope with the difficulties in life. And our dogs are no different. You can visit this fotolognews to get the latest news and also find out the world update breaking news of all time on mikandi.
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